Client Feedback

With All My Gratitude, XX

Wendy exceeded all my expectations. Thank you for helping me verbalise, find my words, see the essence of who I am becoming and for giving me the space to reassess my path.

 Thank you for your honesty when I asked for help. The day flowed, connected and breathed.

 It was alive and you held us and guided us with exactly the right rhythm. Your care for each one of us was mirrored in your words, your silences (so essential) and your firmness. 

What struck me was that you reached everyone at whatever level they were at. 

The pre-work you gave us was essential and you adapted it so well. WOW!! The unity between us was palpable. Thank you.

YPO Retreat and Forum Attendee

I arrived excited and pensive. I was hoping for enlightenment, knowledge, insight. What opened up for me was huge insight into my essence and truth about myself. 

What struck me was the incredible power of this state of being. During this day I came to a deep understanding of myself, and I experienced the incredible power of intuition that is always there, but often hidden. 

Wendy was AMAZING – truly in sync with our group, each one of us, a gifted guide and facilitator. She created an open and safe space in a beautiful environment. 

I felt I was being guided on a path to greater joy. I would change nothing. I am leaving with a sense of realisation of possibility, a sense of my destiny, a sense of wholeness and a peace that is profound and quite magical!!!

YPO Retreat and Forum Attendee

I arrived excited and pensive. I was hoping for enlightenment, knowledge, insight. What opened up for me was huge insight into my essence and truth about myself. 

What struck me was the incredible power of this state of being. During this day I came to a deep understanding of myself, and I experienced the incredible power of intuition that is always there, but often hidden. 

Wendy was AMAZING – truly in sync with our group, each one of us, a gifted guide and facilitator. She created an open and safe space in a beautiful environment. 

I felt I was being guided on a path to greater joy. I would change nothing. I am leaving with a sense of realisation of possibility, a sense of my destiny, a sense of wholeness and a peace that is profound and quite magical!!!

YPO Retreat and Forum Attendee

I arrived excited and pensive. I was hoping for enlightenment, knowledge, insight. What opened up for me was huge insight into my essence and truth about myself. 

What struck me was the incredible power of this state of being. During this day I came to a deep understanding of myself, and I experienced the incredible power of intuition that is always there, but often hidden. 

Wendy was AMAZING – truly in sync with our group, each one of us, a gifted guide and facilitator. She created an open and safe space in a beautiful environment. 

I felt I was being guided on a path to greater joy. I would change nothing. I am leaving with a sense of realisation of possibility, a sense of my destiny, a sense of wholeness and a peace that is profound and quite magical!!!

YPO Retreat and Forum Attendee

I arrived excited and pensive. I was hoping for enlightenment, knowledge, insight. What opened up for me was huge insight into my essence and truth about myself. 

What struck me was the incredible power of this state of being. During this day I came to a deep understanding of myself, and I experienced the incredible power of intuition that is always there, but often hidden. 

Wendy was AMAZING – truly in sync with our group, each one of us, a gifted guide and facilitator. She created an open and safe space in a beautiful environment. 

I felt I was being guided on a path to greater joy. I would change nothing. I am leaving with a sense of realisation of possibility, a sense of my destiny, a sense of wholeness and a peace that is profound and quite magical!!!

YPO Retreat and Forum Attendee

I arrived excited and pensive. I was hoping for enlightenment, knowledge, insight. What opened up for me was huge insight into my essence and truth about myself. 

What struck me was the incredible power of this state of being. During this day I came to a deep understanding of myself, and I experienced the incredible power of intuition that is always there, but often hidden. 

Wendy was AMAZING – truly in sync with our group, each one of us, a gifted guide and facilitator. She created an open and safe space in a beautiful environment. 

I felt I was being guided on a path to greater joy. I would change nothing. I am leaving with a sense of realisation of possibility, a sense of my destiny, a sense of wholeness and a peace that is profound and quite magical!!!

YPO Retreat and Forum Attendee

I arrived excited and pensive. I was hoping for enlightenment, knowledge, insight. What opened up for me was huge insight into my essence and truth about myself. 

What struck me was the incredible power of this state of being. During this day I came to a deep understanding of myself, and I experienced the incredible power of intuition that is always there, but often hidden. 

Wendy was AMAZING – truly in sync with our group, each one of us, a gifted guide and facilitator. She created an open and safe space in a beautiful environment. 

I felt I was being guided on a path to greater joy. I would change nothing. I am leaving with a sense of realisation of possibility, a sense of my destiny, a sense of wholeness and a peace that is profound and quite magical!!!

YPO Retreat and Forum Attendee

I arrived excited and pensive. I was hoping for enlightenment, knowledge, insight. What opened up for me was huge insight into my essence and truth about myself. 

What struck me was the incredible power of this state of being. During this day I came to a deep understanding of myself, and I experienced the incredible power of intuition that is always there, but often hidden. 

Wendy was AMAZING – truly in sync with our group, each one of us, a gifted guide and facilitator. She created an open and safe space in a beautiful environment. 

I felt I was being guided on a path to greater joy. I would change nothing. I am leaving with a sense of realisation of possibility, a sense of my destiny, a sense of wholeness and a peace that is profound and quite magical!!!

YPO Retreat and Forum Attendee

I arrived excited and pensive. I was hoping for enlightenment, knowledge, insight. What opened up for me was huge insight into my essence and truth about myself. 

What struck me was the incredible power of this state of being. During this day I came to a deep understanding of myself, and I experienced the incredible power of intuition that is always there, but often hidden. 

Wendy was AMAZING – truly in sync with our group, each one of us, a gifted guide and facilitator. She created an open and safe space in a beautiful environment. 

I felt I was being guided on a path to greater joy. I would change nothing. I am leaving with a sense of realisation of possibility, a sense of my destiny, a sense of wholeness and a peace that is profound and quite magical!!!

YPO Retreat and Forum Attendee

I arrived excited and pensive. I was hoping for enlightenment, knowledge, insight. What opened up for me was huge insight into my essence and truth about myself. 

What struck me was the incredible power of this state of being. During this day I came to a deep understanding of myself, and I experienced the incredible power of intuition that is always there, but often hidden. 

Wendy was AMAZING – truly in sync with our group, each one of us, a gifted guide and facilitator. She created an open and safe space in a beautiful environment. 

I felt I was being guided on a path to greater joy. I would change nothing. I am leaving with a sense of realisation of possibility, a sense of my destiny, a sense of wholeness and a peace that is profound and quite magical!!!

YPO Retreat and Forum Attendee

I arrived excited and pensive. I was hoping for enlightenment, knowledge, insight. What opened up for me was huge insight into my essence and truth about myself. 

What struck me was the incredible power of this state of being. During this day I came to a deep understanding of myself, and I experienced the incredible power of intuition that is always there, but often hidden. 

Wendy was AMAZING – truly in sync with our group, each one of us, a gifted guide and facilitator. She created an open and safe space in a beautiful environment. 

I felt I was being guided on a path to greater joy. I would change nothing. I am leaving with a sense of realisation of possibility, a sense of my destiny, a sense of wholeness and a peace that is profound and quite magical!!!

YPO Retreat and Forum Attendee

At the beginning of the day I was a little skeptical about how much could be achieved in a single day. What opened up for me is a reminder of how experiential exercises can generate much more profound "aha" moments and realisations than the merely theoretical. What struck me was the massive amount of preparation and fluent knowledge Wendy has of each of us when arriving in this space, she really had done so much prep. What I learnt is that I am who I am and I can not deny it. Wendy was flexible and playful and highly intuitive. She held the space beautifully. The environment was safe and open and experimental. What worked for me was tapping into our intuition to receive information and guidance. What I love and am leaving with is a strong sense of re-connection to the divine within me and one-ness with the Universe.
YPO Retreat and Forum
At the beginning of the day I was a little skeptical about how much could be achieved in a single day. What opened up for me is a reminder of how experiential exercises can generate much more profound "aha" moments and realisations than the merely theoretical. What struck me was the massive amount of preparation and fluent knowledge Wendy has of each of us when arriving in this space, she really had done so much prep. What I learnt is that I am who I am and I can not deny it. Wendy was flexible and playful and highly intuitive. She held the space beautifully. The environment was safe and open and experimental. What worked for me was tapping into our intuition to receive information and guidance. What I love and am leaving with is a strong sense of re-connection to the divine within me and one-ness with the Universe.
YPO Retreat and Forum
I came into this day open to possibility. I was intent on not controlling how things would be and going with the flow. The day truly confirmed for me that we all, and most importantly, that I carry greatness, a well of wisdom and all the answers I seek are within me. I have learnt that my journey and all its challenges were relevant to this realisation at this point in time. Wendy was phenomenal in persuading me to trust the process an she helped me tap into my intuition. I thrive in this realisation. I feel so energised, empowered and ready to live my purpose. I am leaving with the knowledge that I am powerful beyond measure. I am liquid gold. Wendy you are an ALCHEMIST. You are so powerful and there is so much more to you. I respect you deeply and thank you!
YPO Retreat and Forum
I was very uncomfortable and rather scared at the beginning of the day. I do not easily discuss or share feelings and emotions but Wendy opened my eyes and my heart. I can honestly say that I was 100% comfortable in opening up and sharing more of who I am knowing and trusting I was not being judged. Wendy you are truly an inspiration to me. The environment was safe in all aspects. Everything worked, all the pieces fitted together like a perfect puzzle. I am leaving fulfilled and happy and with lots more to learn and explore. Here’s to many more sessions with Wendy. Thank you.
YPO Retreat and Forum
At the beginning of the day I was quite nervous about what to expect. I woke up feeling quite tired but set the intention to have a day of enlightenment, learning, and growth. I was not disappointed. I found myself in an environment and safe space where I could be honest, truthful and courageous. What struck me immediately was Wendy’s spiritual connection on top of her brilliant coaching and professional skills set. What I learnt is that I am an unopened rose with so much potential to blossom, to be profound, to move beyond my pain and my past, to move beyond my self-doubt and to change and be the best version of myself while being true to my inner essence of elegance, beauty and strength. What worked for me was the manner in which Wendy reigned with us and guided us through the processes. I only wish we had longer than one day. I am leaving with excitement and energy to move forward!!
YPO Retreal and Forum
To begin with I was a little nervous. I was hoping for a breakthrough in my understanding and wanting to change negative patterns. I was surprised at what opened up for me – the fact that I could look inside myself and that I could "see" differently. I learnt that I could trust myself even if I got it “wrong”. Wendy was a fantastic, calm and calming guide whose knowledge and empathy was humbling.I highly recommend her programs and her group coaching.
Breaking the Forth Wall Masterclass
I do not easily discuss or share feelings and emotions but Wendy opened my eyes and my heart. I can honestly say that I am 100% comfortable in opening up and sharing more of who I am and not being judged. Wendy you are truly an inspiration to me. Everything worked, all the pieces fitted together like a perfect puzzle. I am leaving fulfilled and happy and with lots more to learn and explore. Here’s to many more sessions with Wendy. Thank you.
YPO Retreat and Forum
This Master Class was exciting. Wendy was vibrant, open and dynamic. This master class was quite unlike anything I have ever done before, but so worth it. All too often we go to these kind of seminars and it a one-way knowledge exchange. This was different in the sense that it was rhizomatic in terms of learning structures and dialogue. I think that this allowed the conversations, ideas and exchanges to flow a lot further than they would have if it had been hierarchical. I learnt to access new levels of openness and flexibility in my thinking and being. As an academic and someone who works primarily with abstraction, I look for the solid and pragmatic and am less inclined to explore the purely existential. Wendy's leadership and coaching style provided me with the perfect balance between left and right brain thinking and cemented so much of what it going on for me right now.
Breaking the Forth Wall Masterclass.
Wendy Ward has a special energy around her. The Master Class that Wendy conducted was enlightening, giving the mind the space to contemplate both itself and its surroundings. She made it both personal and collaborative. What struck me was how Wendy was particularly dynamic in thought, constantly engaging me to consider her words and my being. What worked for me was the way the topic of the evening was explored. Giving time for self contemplation and interaction was great. It gave everyone a feeling of "ahh... that was quite cool, I'd like to think about this more in my day-to-day life". I learnt about the power of perception and that there are many different interpretations of what I say and what other say, and the importance of deep listening and well as clear communication. If you have an open mind and you are keen to think and engage, you will get a great deal from Wendy's work. Thanks again for you time Wendy, you rock!
Breaking the Forth Wall Masterclass
This Master Class was illuminating, surprising, participative, positive and fun! Wendy is dynamic, unconventional and creative in her facilitation. What struck me was how engaged all the participants were in spite of being out of their comfort zones. I would highly recommend this Masterclass - whether you are a millennial or boomer particularly if you are an introvert, frustrated at not being heard and wanting to be less invisible. You said to me: Create your end results from your genius…and that has become my mantra.
Breaking the Forth Wall Masterclass
This Master Class was incredible. Wendy was exceptional at orchestrating how the evening unfolded. I personally appreciated not being forced to think a certain way about the topic of discussion. Wendy was honest about what made her uncomfortable and this gave us permission to show up fully and be vulnerable. What struck me was the authenticity and honesty of people's views. No one was trying to disguise how they felt and they were willing to reveal their discomforts about the topic of discussion. The masks came off. this was refreshing. I would definitely endorse this masterclass to others of my generation because it is such a unique and valuable topic which reveals how we perceive and interpret life and create our reality. It became clear that we perceive 'reality' differently to others and this is beautiful and not something to be ashamed of. Thank you so much Wendy!
Breaking the Forth Wall Masterclass
This Master Class deeply resonated with me. The master class was a tool for me to speak my truth. The level of participation and experience was astounding. I left the master class more myself and felt extremely balanced and centred for the days after that. Wendy/s ability to follow her intuition, and to create a magical space was incredible and refreshing! What I learnt was how important it is to listen to your own inner voice, and to take things others say with a pinch of salt. The answers are within. Not knowing anyone except one person, I felt a connection with all these strangers. It is amazing when human beings can truly experience and share their light amongst other human beings - magic happens! This quote perfectly demonstrates Wendy's profound effect on me “And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same”. Wendy is undeniably herself, and this unconsciously gave me permission to do the same! To shine my light! To be myself. What struck me was that my expectations were the OPPOSITE of what I actually experienced. I expected a seminar/ talk, with Wendy parting her knowledge onto us. This is what I am used to. However this was different, a good different! It involved participation and action instead of merely absorbing knowledge. I found this participation and experience through action more profound than merely being being in an audience and consuming information. I would definitely tell other young people about this. What really worked for me was the participation, and finding the courage to overcome my fears – especially with regards to being my authentic self, showing up and speaking my truth in front of a number of people! The level of participation from everyone. I felt no judgement from anyone. A couple of hours of pure ecstasy – I love and crave this type of environment and surroundings i.e. awareness, spirituality, life’s journey and sharing with others. My learning was that it is ok to shine, to be undeniably yourself, and that speaking your truth is of utmost importance. That we live in a world of imaginary standards that we are constantly trying to live up to. We experience so much shame and we are constantly trying to put on a mask to hide ourselves. We have fear, fear of rejection, fear of not fitting in, fear of not being seen as whatever the standards are/ whatever our made up standards are. More harm than good is actually done. The world needs more truth. And who wants to live by made up standards anyway – it is over rated! Breaking the fourth wall is where magic happens, beyond the “fuck it”! Life is a journey with no real “age”, someone not awake could attend this class, hear something, and it would change their lives! Or on the flipside, someone could attend the class, and just not be ready to hear something. I would say that those who would benefit the most are people who are on the journey of self-discovery, whether just starting out or well into it, but on that path.
Breaking the Forth Wall Masterclass
This Master Class exceeded my expectations in every way. It demonstrated the incredible insights that can come from creative collaboration – your growth becomes playful. I am grateful that it was experiential, not analytical. Wendy did a phenomenal job to facilitate the alchemy that took place. She was perfectly poised to navigate the unknown for the benefit of the group. She never dictated the direction, but gently steered the shared experience to greater heights. Her deft touch in this regard is an incredible talent and cultivated skill. What struck me was the comfort with which the group interacted with one another – most of the individuals knowing little of one another. The degree to which each person was comfortable with being vulnerable is tribute to the safe environment that Wendy’s facilitation and contracting allowed. The master class explored a general theme through its various levels, at each point allowing participants to share, create and learn what was particular to them. In this way a diverse group, united only by their curiosity and willingness to listen and share, came together to create an experience truly unique and profoundly moving – to each in its own way. My learning took place on many levels from the insights during the evening, the increased self-awareness and around myself and the integration that has taken place since.
Breaking the Forth Wall Masterclass
At the end of this two and a half day workshop, I feel comfortable and confident. I am able to listen to myself as truth. I found my voice and was able to flesh out my reflections and ideas and more easily get in touch with what I was thinking and feeling - what was coming up for me. On quite a few occasions I took a step back and noticed that things I couldn’t see before I can now see. I learnt to hold information in new ways. Personally, most striking thing about the whole program was the concept of INNOCENCE and its abundance creative potential. The experience of being in our innocence and doing the intuitive genius readings was really powerful. I learnt that the truth has a ring to it so if you are speaking truth you will hear it.
Alone 2 Alive
This was a truly transformative and healing experience. What I was missing when I entered this space we co-created was a shape to take on. I felt I had a shapelessness, no real substance or structure. I was unclear how I could be of service in the world. I realised we are all shape-shifters. I experienced the Dance of Life in these past few days. It feels as if I now have a fresh or re-refreshed ability to see and be seen – clarity – I feel that I have cleared my channel of chaos and confusion. Deep gratitude to you Wendy. I describe what you achieved here as a sublime ability to balance challenging us and keeping us safe – which is exactly the growth cycle – you were able to take us again and again into our growth zone where we were able to meet our edges. I would describe Alone 2 Alive as a holistic set of exercises and activities, drawing from various and expertly curated global traditions and experiences, that enable learning and growth at different scales of the self - e.g. mind, body, spirit, etc. It combined many of the modalities space and allowed me to feel comfortable enough to unravel and be vulnerable, whilst pushing me through a series of exercises at a pace I didn't think I had the spiritual stamina and endurance for, and definitely wouldn't have been able to complete alone. I left with a felt sense of collective resolution knowing we had grown together as a tribe. The course was so well curated and the structure unfolded really well. I enjoyed the "slowing the f*ck down" of the pace, it allowed for such deep levels of feeling and learning. The space held was held with generosity, grace and gentleness all at once. I felt safe yet vulnerable. For me, the primary shift was between confusion and clarity, and was enacted by embodying, and applying language to, a lot of the things I've been feeling and exploring in my spirit for a while. The course was a means of integrating a lot of the more abstract spiritual work I've done previously, into more practical modes that I can really apply to my everyday life in many regards. I have previously worked with, in a gentle way that allowed me to do my own healing work actively, not passively - therefore with far more long-term, sustainable results. For me, so much of my identity is in question right now due to the turbulent collective experiences that we've been going through, as well as the st(age) of life I'm at right now, so pushing my sense of self through multiple hoops was challenging at times, but as I felt so safe to do so it was indeed generative. I found myself personally confronting self-limiting beliefs that are at direct tension with systemic issues that I find to be triggering such as class, race, gender, etc.
Alone 2 Alive
P2 Leila . I am feeling this expansive openness which I haven’t felt in so long I feel it in my body. It culminated over these past few days. I just feel like there is so much space now where there wasn’t before. And I can’t quite articulate it any more than that – a space that feels safe. Me: you have substance, you are more solid now, I see you. the course was really useful in providing space and gentle guidance that enabled me to think through and come to terms with a lot of the issues and difficulties that I’ve been facing. Simply, it was an open and truly safe space in which I could return to my feeling with honesty – and then dealing with the emotions that arose in response. The overall style of the workshop facilitated this, given that it was both structured, and also flexible – allowing the exercises to respond to what was emerging from the group. Moreover, it was really useful in connecting me to the spiritual side of myself – a side that I often neglect and so find difficult to connect to. The simultaneous sense of space, flexibility, and heldness, was a core part of what made this course so successful for me. Alone to Alive Reflection Overall, the course was really useful in providing space and gentle guidance that enabled me to think through and come to terms with a lot of the issues and difficulties that I’ve been facing. Simply, it was an open and truly safe space in which I could return to my feeling with honesty – and then dealing with the emotions that arose in response. The overall style of the workshop facilitated this, given that it was both structured, and also flexible – allowing the exercises to respond to what was emerging from the group. Moreover, it was really useful in connecting me to the spiritual side of myself – a side that I often neglect and so find difficult to connect to. The simultaneous sense of space, flexibility, and heldness, was a core part of what made this course so successful for me. In terms of the overall structure, I think it worked well. I think taking the first few hours on the first evening to create a space that felt safe and comfortable was essential to allowing the exercises on the following days to ‘work’. The vulnerability and honesty that people expressed was testament to this. That being said, I think one aspect of the structure that could be addressed was the timing – on a number of occasions some exercises felt too short, while others slightly too long. And, almost every day of the course ran over by at least an hour. While the extra time definitely worthwhile and added profoundly to the experience, it meant that if someone had something scheduled after, the last stages felt rushed and so not totally ‘present’. While I really enjoyed learning about the Hero’s and Heroine’s journey, I thought that more time could be spent exploring it, given that it seemed to be foundational to the course. I also thought that while the Beliefs were interesting and thought-provoking, for people (like me) who necessarily buy into archetypes, it was difficult to connect to without a space for discussion and critical engagement. It seemed that much of what the facilitator was referring to was a particular approach that relied on a system of archetypes, and so I thought that this should be advertised or be part of the description so that people have a sense of what ‘theory’ is underlying the workshop. Linked to this, I think more time should have been spent discussing the ideas, sources, and people that informed the workshop as a whole. For me personally, this would have allowed me to root the ideas within a bigger framework, because sometimes it felt like it was slightly being made up on the spot. I think rooting the ideas would also allow participants to use the workshop as a starting point, a basis, from which to explore related ideas and practices.
Ethan Little
P4 Jules I feel quite light and joyful and strong and I feel I learnt a lot. Concept of innocence. Feel that I can trust that there is a state I can step into and trust there is something to be channelled atn that you can choose to elevate how you can operate in your daily life – I feel so reassured. I felt moved by this whole workshop. Hi Wendy Thank you once again for such an incredible and useful and empowering experience. Thank you for your energy, conviction, charisma, and sharing your deep knowledge and wisdom. Overall I absolutely loved and would recommend the workshop to anyone. Below is me being extra critical where I feel I can, in the hope that its useful to you. General Feedback: I felt like we covered too much content that we did not then have time to process further through writing/talking/activities. For example, I would really have liked more time to work through the information about wounds in terms of our own lives. For example, I think we should have had some time to work through the conflict exercise either individually or in groups. In sum, I think we could have done fewer activities, spending more time on some of them. I felt like there could have been more structure up front, like a syllabus that people can feel comfortable about and can refer back to if they lose concentration or feel lost with where we are in the workshop at any particular moment. Perhaps you could assemble the poems/activity pages/ a timetable/ set of major concepts etc into a booklet with space to journal etc at the end. I felt like some of your examples were more trivial than the actual point you were trying to make with the example. For example, speaking about Theo’s passport/the guest house as a way to make a point about innocence/intentionality. Because there are so many obvious ways in which these examples are linked to white privilege, structures, and luck. I feel like you could find more suitable examples to really make the power of your underlying point more effective – to get across the idea of holding an end goal in mind, of tapping into innocence. This said, these examples did get the point across and I could take them with a pinch of salt. Overall, I appreciated that you started out saying that you would not only teach us things, but would “show”/demonstrate concepts to us. I felt like this came through strongly – a major take away being the activities where we enacted the lessons e.g. embodied, or with our minds etc Facilitation Feedback: I thought your facilitation was excellent – you held our attention, made us buy in/take a leap of faith for this way of living/ for each of the activities. One of the highlights for me was getting to know everyone and feeling like I had a safe, loving community. This was due to your facilitation, as well as the nature of the group work and individual feedback sessions where we could observe/hold space for each other, and also a function of how open and vulnerable everyone was. I think people’s attitudes going in was really significant to the value of the workshop for me – this could have been partly as a result of making people give questionnaires at the beginning, which had emotional questions. In short, I think it is important to keep in mind how people relate to each other and come to get to know one another. Feedback on Exercises: - Setting up of “container” on first evening: Contracting and Shared Agreements I thought the opening & container setting was great – I went from feeling hesitant to feeling thrilled and invested in the process. I appreciated that you spoke to issues of gender, and that you were honest about not having the language of non-binary gender etc. However, where in the intro you said you wanted us to help you figure it out, and you wanted to pay attention to it, I felt that you didn’t really carry that through. There were many moments were you spoke about men/women as a binary without acknowledging “and non-binary people” for example. You spoke to us as men and women; even though we had someone in the group identifying as non-binary. I think it would be important in future to set up the way you did, but then whenever you speak about gender, open it up a bit more, ‘men, women, and non-binary people’. When you speak about the hero and heroine’s journey as well, I think you should steer away from talking about men and women in society, female oppression etc; because that is exclusionary. I feel like some of the stuff you said you would speak about at the beginning/throughout you didn’t end up speaking to adequately in the workshop. For example, I would have wanted to talk more about the “love wounds”, and was looking forward to it when you mentioned it, but felt it didn’t really get addressed. - Hand massage I liked this. I appreciated you also explaining the principle of embodiment as a pathway to sexuality/intimacy. - Having a physical Sacred Space A physical sacred space was significant in giving the tent/room a coherency/intentionality to set the tone of the rest of the workshop. It also lent to knowing that everything is sacred; and to sensing the power of ritual. It might also have been nice for people to have brought their own sacred object for the space – as a way to come together, be recognised by the group and get to know one another. - Opening of Sacred Space (x3) I thought it was a bit random when we went to go look at the sacred space the first time. Although it was useful to explain the principle of sacredness so also quite necessary. I think I just didn’t know at the time that that’s what it was for – so might be worth prefacing that exercise with more clarity on why we are doing it. Different learning, feedback and check in “rounds” I thought the check in rounds were really important to feel recognised and to get to know the group. The check ins were one of my highlights – to realise that everyone was so invested and vulnerable and connected. • Overview of course (do you remember the Central Theme, 3 sub-themes and Central Question btw?) As I said above, I think this could be more clearly articulated and structured. • Embodiment Meditation (“sipping the breath”) Tuesday pm – introductory session • Poetry o The Invitation by Oriah Mountain Dreamer I loved this poem. I liked that you “did magic on the lines” for each of us – I found that moving and it made me think about my line/relationship with failure. • This Summer Day by Mary Oliver I liked this poem as well. I liked the way you delivered it and thought it was nice to open the day with. • Definitions and Perception Exercise I liked this. It was also nice to do it with Lizbeth because I don’t know her and it helped me feel connected to her which then built up over the week – as I have said elsewhere, a significant part of the course was the relationships we built. • Teaching on Definitions • Group Brainstorms on Aliveness and Aloneness I felt like this activity (in the alone group) was a bit confusing/not totally useful/we struggled to come up with a productive shared understanding. This was because the way you pitched “alone” vs “alive” made alone seem like a negative state and alive as a positive one when in fact, as you made clear but which people still got confused about, these are dynamic states with pros and cons like that diagram you drew about exercise. I think people struggled to reconcile this throughout the workshop actually. • Using circle work to “define” Aliveness and the Aloneness and then walking between these poles I really liked this activity. It made me feel like we were doing magic. • Exploring your Set Point of Aliveness I didn’t really understand this. Was it a status quo state we were looking to upgrade with the workshop? Or what? • Polarity Dance I liked this activity as well. I got the principle (of embodied integration as a way in to integrating states of being/polarities that you are wrestling with in your life) but I almost felt like others didn’t really get it clearly and I struggled myself to fully get into the positions/dance with the limited time that we had/ I felt like I had to rush through it. • Teaching on Polarities • Hot Seat Coaching (Tiffany) This exercise was great to see Tiffany working with her stuff. It also clearly demonstrated that she had a tension she was stuck in regarding moving into her desired future. I understood the premise that we weren’t there to resolve anyone’s life challenges – I wonder if everyone understood it and saw the value of this. Might be worth explaining this again at the start of the workshop what its for. • Teaching on UNconscious, SELFconscious, SUPERconscious and SUBconscious >>>> Outcome, Ouput, End Results. \ I felt like this was useful in speaking to the later work on identity/intuition/ innocence but I felt as a piece on its own it was a bit brief. Also, having done little research on Freud’s ideas about the id, ego and super ego I felt it was a little surface level compared to some of the other stuff you taught us. • Teaching on premise: structure has integrity. I didn’t really understand this. Are we talking about routine? Habits? Institutions? Plans? Frameworks? I didn’t really see how this relates practically to daily life or how I could actually work with this point. • How Do You Know Exercise (with orange) I didn’t really like this. It felt like surface level philosophy in a room of some people studying philosophy who wanted to dive in but couldn’t. I think another example about definitions relating to ourselves and people might have been better. I thought the activity of looking at each other was a better way to make the same point. • Innocence Meditation I loved this. • Innocence Walk I found this important as well to cement and process the innocence. • Creative Body Mapping I loved this as well and found it a great way to close off and sit with the innocence. It is also nice to have these drawings in hind sight. I would have liked to have had a collective moment to look at eachothers’ drawings, but maybe that was not the point of doing them. • Three-Centre (Head, Heart and Hara) Meditation • Movement, Earth Bouncing or Kundalini Rising • 12 Fundamental Beliefs of the Identity I loved this and found it useful. As said above, I wanted more time on it, and more opportunity to think how this related to me more specifically. • Three Main “Love Wounds”: Abandonment, Rejection, Betrayal I feel like we didn’t cover this. • Hero’s Journey I didn’t find the Heros and Heroines journey aspect so useful so late on in the course. I feel like your concept of ‘alone to alive’ and all the work we did on this integrated many of the same ideas already. I feel like you were clearly inspired by these frameworks but made them your own with alone to alive which was great. I found this discussion sightly repetitive. I also didn’t like the Hero’s journey video; I found it overly simplistic and might come across and patronising given the higher level you pitched the rest of the workshop • Heroine’s Journey You were clearly a bit intimated to speak about gender related issues with us. I think your discussion of women empowerment/glass ceiling etc felt a bit brief/surface level and binary. I think it made me a bit uncomfortable given that we had a non-binary person in the room and you didn’t open up the discussion to how it might relate to non-binary people; I think you could have emphasised more that it didn’t have much to di with gender but is rather about ways of living and knowing yourself. Overall I think you could cut out the hero and heroine’s journey discussions, or move them to earlier in the workshop. • Sacred Chalice Meditation • Conflict Process I found this quite meaningful for me. I wish everyone had had a chance to do this, either individually in groups. Thank you . • Demo of Symbol Interpretation Necessary for the Genius readings. Also great to do one genius reading in a bigger group because you really got to see how shared themes emerged. I also thought your contribution was valuable because you were really good at speaking in specific terms, showing how greater practise could help us learn how to do better genius readings in future. • Genius Readings I absolutely loved this and know everyone else did. • Close It was really nice to have a round of closure. I feel like I could have said a lot more, and more specifically about what I had been working on. But a brief closing was also nice as everyone was tired. We also spoke when we went for drinks after about starting out own circle… not sure if that could follow on from the workshop in any way, or how you might use that. THANK YOU !!!!!!!!
Heather Fowler
P5 Sarah – This has become a really safe space that held me and allowed me to confront pain that I know about in my head but I haven’t sat with or confronted and I felt so held. I envisioned this place as a golden orb and set that intention and came this morning with that intention and it really did allow me to feel this immense pain that doesn’t need to be fixed. It is light. It is heavy. It is everything. It just it. I am so grateful for this time and space. I have a deep sense that is not my job to hold my truth it is my truth’s job to hold me. I have been trying to hold all of me but I can’t because it is huge and expansive. I would describe the course as a mixture of teachings, embodiment exercises, and individual and shared experiences all organised around premises and principles that underlie processes of moving from states of disconnection, disillusionment and being on ‘auto-pilot’ so to speak, to states of intentionality, awakeness and awe with the world. It felt like an intense, powerful and transformative process. I went into the course with certain intentions, and the course definitely provided the space for these to be met and explored, but I also realised that my original intentions were almost only scraping the surface. I feel like the shifts that ended up taking place went much deeper that I could have ever expected – and that was completely the work of your facilitation style, exercise and the group dynamic. What worked for you; what didn’t work for you; what could have been done differently? • I really liked the variety of learning experiences (i.e. taught through spoken word, embodiment exercises, exercises done alone and exercises done as a group) that the course facilitated. The size of the group also felt just right – not too big or small but still small enough to feel really intimate and connected. The structure of doing exercises or learning through ‘masterclass’ type experiences and then having check ins along the way worked really well. I felt the longer days could have been broken up into slightly shorter bites with quick breaks in between for more snacking. At times I felt my physical state was compromised (being super hungry/needing to wee badly  but also really not wanting to miss out on any of the info/experiences) and that that affected how I was able to show up in the space. Although at the same time I appreciate how some of the content we went through needed longer chunks of time to get through. I also would have loved to hear more about where different spiritual practices and traditions that were integrated into the course originate from – e.g. brief acknowledgements of where the practice of opening of sacred space at the beginning of each day was from, for example. Even just very brief mentions of origins would be great as I appreciate how going into more depth about origins could disrupt the flow of the exercises and teachings. I liked the flexibility of the course approach- planning the exercises and structure in response to our questionnaires and to questions during the days themselves – e.g. doing the conflict exercise in response to julia’s question. That gave a sense of real intention and specificity in response to the particular group dynamic. If you were telling another person about this course how, in one or two sentences, would you describe what it is about? I would describe the course as a mixture of teachings, embodiment exercises, and individual and shared experiences all organised around premises and principles that underlie processes of moving from states of disconnection, disillusionment and being on ‘auto-pilot’ so to speak, to states of intentionality, awakeness and awe with the world. It felt like an intense, powerful and transformative process. Can speak more generally to the structure, flow, pace, pitch, facilitation style, actual exercises, the stand alone teaching pieces and your levels of understanding. Although the course had a deliciously slow pace which I loved, at times I felt we could have gone even slower and delved more into concepts that I felt were left slightly underexplored (e.g. intuition, the heroines journey). We spent a substantial time on innocence (learning and innocence walk, and then integrating this into the greatness exercise). It would have been great to spend more time on some of these other parts that we spent less time on. I think the length of the course being ~2 and a bit days was a perfect amount of time though- so maybe it could be good t o shorten the amount of areas explored and embodied and delve more deeply into those. That being said, the amount that we were able to cover and experience in only 2 and a bit days was incredible, and your facilitation style and structure really enabled that amount to be covered + the group setting helped with continually pushing and exploring and not getting tired or despondent. I really loved all of the embodied exercises we did as they related so well to things we were exploring more cerebrally. The creative body mapping was also an incredible experience of creative flow for me – really glad that we ended up staying and doing it straight after the end of the day instead of waiting and doing it individually at home as I felt the collective space and doing it straight away facilitated a lot of the feeling of creative flow that I got out of the exercise. Other things to speak to: - Did we meet our collective intentions? o Yes. I think the course was held within the collective agreements we made at the beginning nicely, and each person seemed to have really moved through and explored more of their own intentions – or went through them to a deeper level. The group also felt incredibly connected and bonded as a collective afterwards which felt like a really nice resolution to the experience. - How would you describe the various “shifts” that took place? o I would say the shifts were personally unexpected which I loved. I went into the course with certain intentions, and the course definitely provided the space for these to be met and explored, but I also realised that my original intentions were almost only scraping the surface. I feel like the shifts that ended up taking place went much deeper that I could have ever expected – and that was completely the work of your facilitation style, exercise and the group dynamic. - Could I accurately describe the 3 days as “transformative”? o Absolutely. I would say that it would be transformative in both expected and completely unexpected ways for anyone who does the course, if they are simply open to give and receive. - How was the space held? o The space was held beautifully; the intentionality of it really did make a difference to how I felt and engaged in it. The opening of the space at the beginning and the repeated check-ins were parts of this that I appreciated particularly. It could have been lovely to have been more intentional in how the space was closed. Even though the receiving our greatness exercise was the perfect ‘last’ exercise we could have done, it would have been nice to have done one last grounding breath/meditation exercise as a group before closing. - Would you say this was a healing experience? o I wouldn’t say it was a healing experience, but it was most definitely an experience that gave me an awareness of my own ability to heal and receive healing. I would describe it more as an experience that opened me up to my own wounds and my own power to heal them/receive healing for them. - How did you find the holding of creative tension through the masterclass (dipping into the identity and egoic agenda/beliefs etc AND learning about your superconscious/Greatness? o I really liked how they were placed alongside one another in the structure of the course – it gave me an experience of how my thoughts and feelings responded to the existence of creative tension and an exercise in learning to accept this. - Do you feel you sufficiently grasped the premises including the structure of “high level creative functioning”, thoughts and feelings, Ego/Identity and Greatness/Essence, and piece around the structure of consciousness and how “it” creates reality? o By the end of the course, yes. It was difficult to piece how they all fit together from the beginning and for the first full day. I also sometimes lost track of how things fit together and then would have quick moments where I could mentally hold how everything fit together. Could be nice to have a one page sheet of short explanations or a dynamic diagrammatic representation of how the course/concepts fit together. - How would it work with those less familiar/open to the content? o I think there could be more resistance and questioning of ideas with people not as open and ready to engage with the content – but it is also likely that those who are drawn to the course would be open and eager to learn/experience. - Would you like an email of the flip chart as a reminder of themes and premises? o Yes! The course was uncomfortable and challenging – what aspects of my thinking and identity were challenged? Explaining which bits of the course were uncomfortable and why. I found that I became more aware of some of the beliefs I hold through engaging in the course even before the learning piece on ego/identity and beliefs – became aware of the part of my thinking/identity that needs to please or give a ‘right’ answer or fix particularly. I found this realisation confrontational and difficult to grapple with. I felt the most uncomfortable during parts of the course where I felt aware of my ability to go ‘deeper’ in response to exercises but I wasn’t going there/really engaging honestly with myself. In hindsight I feel this was a bit of a precipice in terms of pushing through these uncomfortable moments to get to real growth spaces. Would me or my peers be interested in a separate course on sacred sexuality, power of the Heart-Brain, Quantum Field and Experiences of the SuperConscious from other perspectives Yes definitely. Reflections on The Invitation: Being alone and liking the company I keep in empty moments means being ok and kind and loving and gentle with my brokenness. Trusting it and the darkness that surrounds it in my head and in my womb. I am scared on the pain in my womb and sitting with it because it is physically painful as fuck. I don’t know what it means. I don’t know if I should have to endure it. I can feel its hot warmth that proceeds its hot pain now. My body isn’t broken My body isn’t broken My body isn’t broken When a moment is empty my body isn’t broken. When magic and spirit exist my body isn’t broken. Magic and spirit exist and my body isn’t broken. Magic and spirit are alive and my body is not broken or alone. “I want to know if you can be alone with yourself and if you truly like the company you keep in the empty moments.” This is not a trick question. Being alone with myself and liking my company in freedom and trust. This is a journey. Being along with myself and liking my company because myself=alive Being alone with my full self Being with others in my full self In my alive self Being alone and with others in my alive self with magic and spirit. I am not fearful of being alone with myself; it is the empty moments I am afraid of. Their reflection back at me. My reflection. I am fearful of myself being alone in empty moments. Aliveness cannot erase empty moments. Aliveness can hold me, alone with myself, in empty moments. It can hold me and rock me if I trust it. I can trust it. I trust aliveness in my body I trust aliveness in my body I trust aliveness in my body Trusting my body and trusting the world are the same thing. My own sense of cultivated trust in my body and the world have been shut out by minute betrayals of myself and my truth; staying when I want to go, not asking for help when I need it, giving of my time and energy and words until they are empty and unhelpful. I feel my truth deep inside me. It is powerful and everpresent and I have tried to warp and squeeze and box it into an identity of a girl who is ‘authentic’. It cannot be warped and squeezed and boxed into any kind of story. It cannot be defined. It cannot be broken. I have searched for truth in a world outside of myself that I do not trust. This has led me to studying courses with the words “evidence-based” in them. It has led me to a dark room where I battle for affirmation and love from others instead of for my truth which is love. My truth can melt and expand and float. It can hold me. I need to let it hold me without trying to hold all of it. It can heal. It is imbued with magic and spirit and wisdom. It is sacred. It wants to move and be free and be with others and trust the world.
Ethan Little
P6 Tiffany I am feeling appreciation for the energy and space you created. Much gratitude. Untapped source of healing and knowledge – using energetic fields and finding knowledge from your body. Gives you space for thoughts to come and new connections to be made – that was powerful. The concepts – Innocence – I want to use this – I want to integrate this in my life. Feeling it here and knowing it and then living it – excited and apprehensive. We have hit tips of many icebergs. your facilitation was fantastic – a great balance of sensitivity but also pushing us to get as much out of it as we could. I was so energised, never tired. All in all I LOVED IT – so great.. I want to come to more, I want to delve into more so let me know when they all happen • What worked for you; what didn’t work for you; what could have been done differently? A lot of these answers are also in the other questions below! Definitely the best parts were when you illustrated concepts through activities – e.g. 1) innocence and going on the innocence visualisation/meditation. 2) Polarities, creating the polarity energy fields and doing the polarity dance 3) Definitions, defining space/energetic fieds It all worked very well. I would say your handouts were really useful, I loved that poem on day 1. In fact, starting with a poem to ground ourselves and read could be amazing, loved it. I think it would have been useful to print something out for the ego beliefs, that was hard to follow, I did take notes, but id love to refer back to a fuller account of these. I say this later but also “workshopping” each nugget of info you gave to us, to ensure understanding. The part after the coaching was confusing (so much text on the flip chart – about desired state, current state ), and also the heroines journey was confusing, it didn’t quite connect to the rest... but if these were more workshopped it would have been better. Also I didn’t realise the coaching was in front of everyone, maybe I missed that, but making it more clear would have been good  LONGER! I would have loved it a bit longer... I feel we were just getting very into it all, comfortable to talk... another half day at least, of really digging into everything on a more personal level would have been great. I thought the art drawing bit wsa a nice addition but if possible it would be even better to have gone back into small groups and perhaps explained the elements of what we drew, if we wanted, also I could have been beautiful as we did, to keep it as just a personal exercise. So both work . I have so many unfinished questions and desires... you could even tell everyone if they will pay for this in future, you each have a 30 min debrief on the phone or something, IF they want. Maybe no one will take that offer up, but it could be nice to scoop up strands./loose ends... I know you offered that to a few people but to all people could be an idea. I think talking about masc and fem as qualities, that might be part of your father or mother is good too... im sure juls is amazing at articulating this mas/fem stuff... so im sure she’s supporting you with that. • If you were telling another person about this course how, in one or two sentences, would you describe what it is about? An experiential, spiritual, emotional workshop to introduce you to concepts, frameworks and a way of approaching yourself and the world , which will help you align yourself to your essence beyond your ego, and the cosmos. • Can speak more generally to the structure, flow, pace, pitch, facilitation style, actual exercises, the stand alone teaching pieces and your levels of understanding. I think generally worked really well. It would be even better if perhaps you covered a bit less (e.g. the heroine’s journey seemed a bit tag on, I guess because you changed the course last min to accommodate the ego beliefs session) – but I think if you made each nugget of information have the same structure as e.g. innocence... so introduction to concept, activities to really digest it, then debrief, - that would be so good. I love the idea of the heroine’s journey but I will read about it now – you could perhaps “workshop” that for your future sessions. Your pace was great, important to have checkin’s, checkouts, space for sharing. I liked your combination of circle stuff, lying down, meditation, walking around etc. I think your facilitation was fantastic – a great balance of sensitivity but also pushing us to get as much out of it as we could. I was so energised, never tired, I wish we actually had more time.... I would almost say, do two FULL days and that eve before. Instead of starting at midday the following day. I would also say if I had to be super critical – while I personally enjoyed hearing these stories, I felt at moments the balance changed a bit when you were talking about your experiences, e.g. with your son’s passport – so while that was super interesting, if you had to cut something, maybe a bit less of the more logistics/managerial stuff from your personal histories. LESS WRITING ON FLIP CHART, CLEARER WRITING & HANDOUTS: I would also say – the writing on the flipchart wasn’t always clear – I think use less writing, and supplement the main points on a hand out... so people can take notes on the hand out, but they also know its all there so they can really sit back, relax, and take everything in without taking notes. I missed the stuff about the sacred objects but we could integrate them more into the workshop? Or even the bird cards – I would have loved to use them more. You don’t need to scrape the barrel. It doesn’t have to be an essay. Just your main observations. Be honest. • Did we met our collective intentions? I think so! I would have liked it to be a little longer, and we have more space e.g. to try out the conflict exercise with eachother – so we make all this abstract stuff more concrete for our own issues. • How would you describe the various “shifts” that took place? The main shifts occurred when we experientially worked through the concepts you introduced us to. I think after we got the hang of creating energetic spaces, it was very clear – e.g. this made the finaly acivity so beautiful. • Could I accurately describe the 3 days as “transformative”? In a way, yes. I would say a bit more time really delving into everything would be better. Also I think If I were there at the beginning to hear everyone’s stories, and yours in more detail, it would have been more profound for me! So sorry. But good to know that if anyone in future cannot make the first couple of hours, you should really advise them to join from the beginning, to feel fully present, otherwise do it another time. • Were your questions answered sufficiently? A little bit. It would have been nice to have more space for questions re” ego beliefs. • How was the space held? Loving, openness from you and the group. I loved being in a circle. • Would you say this was a healing experience? Yes a bit I wish It was longer. • How did you find the holding of creative tension through the masterclass (dipping into the Identity and Egoic Agenda/Beliefs etc AND learning about your Superconscious/ Greateness? I was confused when there was so much input after re: tension, between now and future (after the coaching) and confused re heroine’s journey but otherwise I held the creative tensions between the poliarities of alone and alive – I think it was really well explained and felt. * Do you feel you sufficiently grasped the premises including the structure of "high level creative functioning", thoughts and feelings, Ego/Identity and Greatness/Essence, and piece around the structure of consciousness and how "it" creates realty? Yes defo. I think the ego beliefs part could be workshopped in a way that we can grasp onto it more, e.g. a paper hang out... different stations around the room about different beliefs, dialogue between the two We could have gone into more dtail into how FEELINGs relate to INTUTION and the different languages of the ego V essence... as often I feel I follow my intuition but that might just be my feeling s- how do I know • And then I am personally quite curious to know if this would work with people who don’t share your rather dazzling intelligence and maturity. What are your thoughts? Yes I think so, I think some of the questions people asked, e.g about it seeming too linerar not cyclical, will be really great for you to have answers for. But I think we seemed to all be realtively spiritual and open already, so maybe you will have an easier group next time if you are charging quite a lot for these retreats? I think generally you explained everything really well . Many of you spoke about the course being uncomfortable at times and challenging. What aspect of your thinking or identity was challenged. How were you challenged. I would really be grateful to know more about this. I believe a few of you were taken to your growth points (outside of your comfort zone). Can any of you explain which bits were uncomfortable and why? I found it hard talking about myself and taking space with so many people – It was easier in smaller groups... I think beyond 9 people might have been even harder? So ensure there’s space for all to speak, even if it challenges them (e.g. I usually don’t like public speaking etc) and have space for people to take space in smaller groups
Heather Fowler
P8 Karo Right now I feel light and good - this whole workshop was unsettling in a very good way. Over the last years I learned how to settle my pain that I carry with me – sometimes heavy sometimes easier to carry in very static ways – building around that – I needed to shake that loose, to work with that, to see it in a productive way. The who concept of innocence took away a feeling of shame. Feeling I had to fit into a role to be a certain way. Realised that if I take up the space of innocence – this feeling that things are the way they are – really really helpful. I really liked the workshop Wendy and it felt like something I had to do to proceed with my life in a way that seems meaningful to me. I am really grateful that you opened this door and I am super keen to come back to it in the future. Hey Wendy, Pleas find my feedback below. Day 1 -I really liked that we became familiar with what to expect and with certain terms. I needed this framework to let myself ease into the upcoming days. -I think you could tell us a little bit more about the definitions of alive and alone just to get some more certainty about what we will work with. -I like the hand massage and the breathing exercise and it really set the frame of intimacy for me Day 2 -I really like the dancing exercise and though it was a bit hard for em to get out of my thinking mind into my body mind it was really good to relate postured and feeling to aliveness and aloneness -it was crazy to me how strong the circles we drew worked for me and to realise where my current point set point of aliveness is -I did not entirely like the hot seat coaching since it was a bit difficult to stay in the open mindset and at the same time concentrate on the mindset of one person (I thought that about both direct coaching sessions) -I LOVED the innocence walk and still really try to tap into this at several points Day 3 -Although I felt comfortable in the Sacred Chalice Meditation it did not entirely resonated with me/ it was a bit hard for me to react to it in a a way I had wanted to. -I think I would have liked to talk a little bit more about personal experiences and how do deal with them in the framework we learned, sometimes things were a little bit too abstract for me. I could apply a lot but some things were opened up a lot and then I was a bit stuck with how to proceed but I am not entirely sure if talking about it would have helped. -I also really liked the drawing and it was a powerful means of expression for me I really liked the workshop Wendy and it felt like something I had to do to proceed with my life in a way that seems meaningful to me. I am really grateful that you opened this door and I am super keen to come back to it in the future. Thank you and all best, Karoline
Ethan Little
"Earum, ac, repellendus. Penatibus reiciendis vehicula netus massa aute pede voluptatem curae! Risus laborum tellus. Hendrerit" Add another
Heather Fowler
I signed up for Reconnect and Recollect because I was in search of discernment over personal matters that have been unresolved for years. I wanted to find answers which were true for myself. What I gained was a profound reconnection with my self, clarity and the answers I was looking for and the courage to make the decisions I knew I needed to make to bring love and aliveness back into my life. Wendy is highly intuitive and she really found the right arrears to focus on. Over the course of the weekend, she helped me identify areas of myself I had hidden deep down and she helped me re-focus my energy on more positive aspects of myself. I would absolutely recommend Wendy and her Reconnect and Recollect Program without hesitation.
Coaching Retreat and Horse-riding Safari
"Earum, ac, repellendus. Penatibus reiciendis vehicula netus massa aute pede voluptatem curae! Risus laborum tellus. Hendrerit" Add another
Heather Fowler
"Hic nonummy laboriosam ducimus! Tempora iure, veniam doloreearum phasellus! Penatibus augue soluta corrupti! Non de Penatibus"
Ethan Little
"Earum, ac, repellendus. Penatibus reiciendis vehicula netus massa aute pede voluptatem curae! Risus laborum tellus. Hendrerit" Add another
Heather Fowler
"Hic nonummy laboriosam ducimus! Tempora iure, veniam doloreearum phasellus! Penatibus augue soluta corrupti! Non de Penatibus"
Ethan Little
"Earum, ac, repellendus. Penatibus reiciendis vehicula netus massa aute pede voluptatem curae! Risus laborum tellus. Hendrerit" Add another
Heather Fowler
"Hic nonummy laboriosam ducimus! Tempora iure, veniam doloreearum phasellus! Penatibus augue soluta corrupti! Non de Penatibus"
Ethan Little
"Earum, ac, repellendus. Penatibus reiciendis vehicula netus massa aute pede voluptatem curae! Risus laborum tellus. Hendrerit" Add another
Heather Fowler
"Hic nonummy laboriosam ducimus! Tempora iure, veniam doloreearum phasellus! Penatibus augue soluta corrupti! Non de Penatibus"
Ethan Little
"Earum, ac, repellendus. Penatibus reiciendis vehicula netus massa aute pede voluptatem curae! Risus laborum tellus. Hendrerit" Add another
Heather Fowler
"Hic nonummy laboriosam ducimus! Tempora iure, veniam doloreearum phasellus! Penatibus augue soluta corrupti! Non de Penatibus"
Ethan Little
"Earum, ac, repellendus. Penatibus reiciendis vehicula netus massa aute pede voluptatem curae! Risus laborum tellus. Hendrerit" Add another
Heather Fowler
"Hic nonummy laboriosam ducimus! Tempora iure, veniam doloreearum phasellus! Penatibus augue soluta corrupti! Non de Penatibus"
Ethan Little
"Earum, ac, repellendus. Penatibus reiciendis vehicula netus massa aute pede voluptatem curae! Risus laborum tellus. Hendrerit" Add another
Heather Fowler
"Hic nonummy laboriosam ducimus! Tempora iure, veniam doloreearum phasellus! Penatibus augue soluta corrupti! Non de Penatibus"
Ethan Little
"Earum, ac, repellendus. Penatibus reiciendis vehicula netus massa aute pede voluptatem curae! Risus laborum tellus. Hendrerit" Add another
Heather Fowler
"Hic nonummy laboriosam ducimus! Tempora iure, veniam doloreearum phasellus! Penatibus augue soluta corrupti! Non de Penatibus"
Ethan Little
"Earum, ac, repellendus. Penatibus reiciendis vehicula netus massa aute pede voluptatem curae! Risus laborum tellus. Hendrerit" Add another
Heather Fowler
"Hic nonummy laboriosam ducimus! Tempora iure, veniam doloreearum phasellus! Penatibus augue soluta corrupti! Non de Penatibus"
Ethan Little
"Earum, ac, repellendus. Penatibus reiciendis vehicula netus massa aute pede voluptatem curae! Risus laborum tellus. Hendrerit" Add another
Heather Fowler
"Hic nonummy laboriosam ducimus! Tempora iure, veniam doloreearum phasellus! Penatibus augue soluta corrupti! Non de Penatibus"
Ethan Little
"Earum, ac, repellendus. Penatibus reiciendis vehicula netus massa aute pede voluptatem curae! Risus laborum tellus. Hendrerit" Add another
Heather Fowler