Alone 2 Alive

Shift your Frequency

Alone 2 Alive

Live online and in person 

Shift your Frequency

Spiritual malaise to spiritual health. Existential aloneness to essential aliveness. Explore polarities.  Heal the Wounds of Separation. Experience innocence as a superpower. Raise your frequency. Find Wholeness. Align to Life.

Increase the flow of innate, natural intelligence and grounded aliveness in your life

Over this time with Gwendolen you will;

  • Understand the relationship between resilience, aliveness, happiness and success.
  • Be OK with being alone; learn to be comfortable in your own skin.
  • Move from independence, to interdependence, to interbeing; shift your Lone Wolf tendencies
  • Explore your relationship with shame and pain; fear and desire. 
  • Move into action from point of wholeness.
  • Experience greater alignment and intimacy. 
  • Learn powerful practices to direct your life force energy into your unique soul purpose.
  • Bridge your humanity and your divinity. 
  • Avoid traps of spiritual bypassing.

How will this course help me?

Know yourself. Heal. Grow. 

Explore themes of  independence, intimacy and innocence – come into greater harmony and balance.

Raise your Set Point of Aliveness.

Feel good, do good, for the (best and highest) good. Align to Life.

Heal the wounds of separation; drop the masks.

Deepen intimacy with self and others; create more spaciousness

Feedback from previous Students

I once had a client who referred to me as his Happiness Coach.

I don’t believe we can be tra-la-la happy-happy all the time. No contrast here. Being fully alive requires we experience a full range of emotions including feelings that we may have deemed, in the past, as negative. This starts with noticing all you do to avoid feelings: numbing out, distracting, being busy or aloof, addictive patterns and behaviour. It means dealing with pain and shame and being willing to activate powerful life force energy. This isn’t always comfortable.  However, we can over time raise our set point of happiness and embrace more aliveness. But the real journey is connecting our human and divine; heaven and earth; grounding and expanding. Awakening. Aligning to LIfe.

I have heeded the call and embarked on many a Hero and Heroine Journey

This has ignited a fire in my life and allowed me to trust myself and open to life flowing through me, in me, as me.

Not trusting myself has been a long battle.

For much of my teens and early adult years I was disconnected, disassociated, in my head, totally lost, fragmented and fearful. I used alcohol and drugs to numb the pain of existence. Getting high was my substitute for what I was really seeking: real lasting happiness and aliveness, joy and peace, substance and significance, completeness and wholeness. Embodying these qualities is part of my re-definition of success.

Are you prepared to be fully alive? I want this for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

You will be put on the waiting list and I will let you know as soon as the next Alone 2 Alive comes up. I try to offer this transformative and powerful workshop at least three times a year.

I try to facilitate this workshop at least twice a year in Cape Town, South Africa and then around the world, as and when I am invited. 

Keep in the loop by adding your deets to the Wait List. Look out for the upcoming Essential Aliveness webinar. This will help by giving you a sense of Gwendolen in action, a chance to see the Alone 2 Alive outline and an opportunity to answer any questions you may have. 

Put your name on the Wait List. Book a Discovery Call. Make a payment. Show up at the live or online masterclass. Dive in fully and enJOY!

Alone 2 Alive

Live online and in person

Shift your Frequency

If you are still undecided or have any further questions, please feel free to book a Discovery Call with Gwendolen. 



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