Dying 2 Live

Shift your Reality



Shift your Reality

Connect to the Source of your Aliveness and Intelligence. Awaken. 

What is the new that is wanting to emerge? How can I change? What needs to die? What do the old stories and mythology tell us about where we find ourselves today? What new navigational tools do I need to master?

A New Story....

“That the whole world is built on a story and that this story is changing is in itself a story.”

~ Charles Eisenstein

...for these Times of Transition

“We can not solve our problems with the same thinking we created them”

~ Albert Einstein

Live Fully; Die Without Regret

I have come to understand that if you wish to live fully and die with no regrets you must be prepared to look death in the eye and allow a dying process to happen for the new to emerge. This can be painful. Many start this journey and return to Hobbitsville empty-handed and even more disillusioned. To move through this collective re-birthing, we have to cultivate courage and heed the call. 

Life, Death, Rebirth ~ the central myth for our times

I have ignored death, flaunted myself infront of death, fantastised about dying, feared my sons might die and that I would not survive AND I have embraced death and looked at it in the eye. I have worked with the aging and dying. I have known many people who have died. I lost my sister in a tragic accident when a rock fell on her head in the Drakensburg mountains. I had the deep honour and privilege of caring for my own mother and being present at her transition in her home. When you are no longer so attached to what you have made up about your identity, when you are confident about who you truly are, then you can experience  life with true joy, peace, happiness and aliveness. I believe this is possible for all of us, whatever our age, background or religious conviction.

Healing the Past: Upgrade your Personal Mythology

Breathing Life into the Present: Get Real

Shaping your Future Reality: Share your Gifts

What needs to die? How I navigate the present does not depend on the past. What’s alive and true for you now? What do you long to create? What is probable? What is possible? What is potential?  Learn high level creative functioning; intuition and alchemy in order to participate fully in Life and be a vehicle for divine intelligence to flow.

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September 2024 (TBC)

Dying 2 Live is a hybrid with material curated in a stunning portal together with fortnightly Live Sessions.

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Shift your Reality

Longer Call to Action, thrilled clients, reiterate value, overcome objections



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