Slave 2 Sovereign

Shift your Perception

Slave 2 Sovereign

Slave 2 Sovereign


Shift your Perception

Be the Sovereign Leader of your life. Cultivate Inner Strength.

Anchor your True Divine Essence. Grow in Wisdom and Spiritual Maturity

What you will learn and embody

  • Know yourself and trust yourself to live and lead from a sense of your own agency (inner authority) and authenticity
  • Connect to the source of your sovereignty, show up more fully,  shape reality
  • Pierce the veil of illusion; know what is real
  • Wake up and grow up: reflect on freedom, responsibility and power
  • Understand the traps of awakening
  • Awareness of Body-Mind; tap into Divine Mind
  • Strengthen your Inner Stability so you wobble less and hold more
  • Deep listening to Head, Heart and Hara: learn to be guided by your inner intelligence

Resistance and Reservations

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Get to know and embrace your small, separate, scared and slave self

Explore your unique Stellar and Shadow Archetypes; get clear on what you are making a stand for

Orientate from your Sovereign Self and experience greater freedom

Be the Sovereign Leader of your life. Cultivate Inner Strength

Resistance and Reservations

I have done a number self-development courses and programs over the years. Not much has changed, if I am honest. My biggest fear is that I will complete this course with you and nothing will have changed.

I have been where you are. Believe me.

I am that late-bloomer and, in my past, have felt as if the whole world is ahead of the game and I am so behind. I have reached mid-life and sat in my empty nest. I have had my melt-down moments. I hit rock-bottom more than once. I have experienced numerous times of transition. I have successfully re-invented myself over the years. I have moved continents and lived between UK and South Africa for over half a century. I have learnt to trust myself. I have entered my sovereign years and joined the crones.

I can’t tell you the path but I can help you find your path.

I can help you find clarity and direction. I can help you make meaning. I can’t give you courage but I can help you source your own. I will be your trusted thinking partner and spiritual guide. Not that I am better or higher up the spiritual ladder than you. I don’t know any more than you. I don’t have a key but I can point out the prison. 

Working with Gwendolen

Frequently Asked Questions

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco.

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Shift your Perception

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Slave 2 Sovereign


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