Alive Wire Programs

Shift your Consciousness

Join me on a powerful journey of soul evolution.

Each of my group coaching programs are designed with a specific theme and a specific end result. Ideally you will do all four courses over a period of time.  

Have a browse through these unique and powerful offerings and see which one resonates with you. 

Hit the I’M INTERESTED to read more and get onto the Waitlist today. 

Monochrome 2 Magnificence

6 MODULES ~ in your own time 

Self-learn; online portal; easy access

Shift your Perception

Know yourself. Be yourself. Find out what’s holding you back from your truth. Re-ignite the intelligence of your soul. Let in the light. 

Slave 2 Sovereign

Slave 2 Sovereign


6 online modules (in portal) + 6 live group sessions
(via zoom); 12 sessions in all

Shift your Orientation

This is your time.  Cultivate inner strength and self respect. Be the sovereign leader of your life. Re-awaken.

Alone 2 Alive


Live, in person with Gwendolen 

Shift your Frequency

Spiritual malaise to spiritual health. Existential aloneness to essential aliveness. Experience innocence as a super power. Heal the wounds of separation. Raise your frequency.  Align to Life. 

Dying 2 Live


Own learning in portal + live, online group sessions; co-facilitated with 2 others teachers

Shift your Reality

Come back to life. Creation and destruction. End times and new times. Spiritual intelligence and resilience. Deep inner knowing. Transformation.

Back 2 Centre

1:1 Coaching with Gwendolen


Single (2.5 hour), deep dive coaching session with Gwendolen

Shift your Alignment

Are you struggling to see the wood for the trees?
Are you tired of trying and trying too hard?
Do you need clarity?
Are you feeling restless, disillusioned and distracted?
Are you perplexed and wondering WTF is going on?

What is important for you to know right now? 

Do you need a thinking partner and some extra magic?

Book this powerful deep dive now.

Take time to catch up with yourself, reflect, take stock,  re-calibrate, make sense of the madness.

Connect with yourself and your soul path. 

Step out of the fantasies, get real and start to shape a new reality. 

Learn ancient and alchemical premises and tools to access your unique truth and inner guidance.

Go through a unique Aliveness Inquiry with Gwendolen.

Receive an intuitive reading from Gwendolen.  

Learn more about Alive Wire

Alive Wire is an online container for young movers and shakers who look like they’re rocking on the outside but feel jaded, off-kilter, inadequate and alone on the inside. Each program offered is designed to help these unique individuals know themselves, trust themselves and express themselves, equipping them with powerful skills to attend to their soul growth, participate fully in life and create success and significance in times of transition.

My Promise to You

Re-calibration. A fresh take on reality. A new way of being. Tools to feel good, do good, for good. In short: transformation. 

What others have to say

Wendy exceeded all my expectations. Thank you for helping me verbalise and see the essence of who I am becoming and giving me the space to reassess my path.

During this day I came to a deep understanding of myself, and I experienced the incredible power of intuition that is always there, but often hidden. Gwendolen is AMAZING. She created an open and safe space in a beautiful environment. I felt I was being guided on a path to greater joy. I would change nothing.  I am leaving with a sense of realisation of possibility, a sense of my destiny, a sense of wholeness and a peace that is profound and quite magical!

I signed up for Gwendolen’s Masterclass because I was in search of discernment over personal matters that have been unresolved for years. I wanted to find answers which were true for myself. What I gained was a profound reconnection with my self, clarity and the answers I was looking for and the courage to make the decisions I knew I needed to make. Gwedolenis a highly intuitive and gifted coach and facilitator.  she really found the right arrears to focus on. Over the course of the weekend, she helped me identify areas of myself I had hidden deep down and she helped me re-focus my energy on more positive aspects of myself. I would absolutely recommend this program to others.